The Junior Girl Scout Agent of Change Journey is part of the Its Your World Change It! look at the root of the problem in order to find long-term solutions. For Parents & Families. endobj The girls will need to create a portable first aid kit, which is a must have in their hiking packs when going on a camping trip. If your girls can handle a full day of Girl Scouts, you may plan to start early in the morning and continue through the afternoon to include the entire Take Action Project or additional badge work. They can play around with a blue or green screen with their photos or even try being a make up artist. Instead of buying a separate handbook and leaders guide, you will need the badge packets for Junior Animal Habitats, Junior Camper, and Junior Eco Camper. Each girl should record their daily activities, especially where they made a difference for others. You could always start or end the obstacle course with some movement too. How are peoplel trying to help the habitat? Time for the hike depends on how long your girls want to hike. The Junior Animal Habitats packet includes the Arctic, Gulf of Mexico or the Amazon Rainforest. The most important part is to allow your girls the opportunity to plan the celebrations throughout the journey or the celebration at the end of the journey. Research a few baby animal habitats to learn how different animal moms and dads care for their babies. Choosing a Take Action Project for the Junior Outdoor Journey can be fairly simple and accomplished during your camping trip, especially when camping with younger girl scouts. So the water sources and food sources in the area are also part of the animals habitat. Did your girls love the journey as much as ours? For Girl Scouts 0000006064 00000 n Series. Theyre designed to change something for the betterforever. This looks like a really nice program. Girl Scout Cookie Flavors, About Girl Scout Cookies Your email address will not be published. Our girls tied this to Im Being Framed. Create bat houses to hang outdoors to provide a safe hibernation place for bats safe from White Nose Syndrome. Opening Activity 20 minutes. Take Action projects look like. And remember, keep your fires small. For Volunteers, For Parents & Families When earning the Junior Camper badge, your girls will learn all about planning a camping adventure including preparing food when camping, tying knots, building a fire, and hiking. Youll be subscribed to our family friendly newsletter, where you can unsubscribe at anytime Privacy Policy. If your scouts are just as excited as ours, be sure to head over to ourGirl Scout Junior Guide on the Agent of Change Junior Journey and the aMUSE Junior Journey in a Day. Carry out your Take Action Project 1 hour or more: Actually make your Take Action Project a reality. I am ready to volunteer by offering: ideas about taking action to improve the community knowledge of issues that interest Girl Scout Juniors art, building, or craft skills . You can find these in rivers, tree branches, lightning, plants, and clouds. Be Careful with Fire have a plan for building a campfire, including keeping the campfire small, using sticks from the ground, and putting out your fire, Respect Wildlife observe from a distance and be sure to clean up all food you bring so wildlife dont learn to depend on humans, Be Kind to Other Visitors use a quiet voice and share the trails with others. Opening Activity 15 minutes: What makes a great leader brainstorm. However, ceremonies and celebrations are such an important part of Girl Scouts and journeys. 2. It can be nice to brush up on these skills right before your camping trip or during the trip. Required fields are marked *. We had so much fun that we planned a few more journey in a day agendas for our troop. We did not complete this at this meeting, but instead planned a different time to explore this option. Learn about the animals near your campsite. You can also ensure that you have the proper safety items for building a campfire. Then play a game, make a skit, or try another activity to show what they learned about leaving no trace. 2 Plan it: Prepare a Take Action plan. When trying to complete the Agent of Change Junior Girl Scout journey in a day, you may choose to shorten this part of the meeting. Know Before You Go plan ahead and prepare everything you need, including having a plan to pack everything when you leave. While speaking with a first responder, be sure to talk about how to handle urgent first aid issues such as allergies, asthma, snakebites, and poison. CreatingButterflies is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to If you plan to complete a drawing, you can pair this with the Junior Drawing Badge. Learn what Girl Scouts do; about our history, research and data; and about family involvement, or try Girl Scout activities! Be sure to have a bucket of water near by and keep your fire only as big as you need. The Outdoor journey series focuses on learning the skills needed for camping, hiking, and exploring the outdoors safely. Instead, guide them to brainstorm ideas, get feedback, and come up with a plan. Begin with teaching your girl scouts the steps to take in an emergency such as Check the scene for safety, call 911 or for other help, and Care for the injured person or animal. Pairs well with Junior Staying Fit Badge, Im Being Framed 20 minutes: Have the girls create a collage showcasing all their powers, strengths or skills that they can use to make a difference in the world. What would you have tried differently? The girls can use the beginning time to work with their families to set up their campsites and get ready for camping, including storing food and personal supplies. 1. Take Action projects look like. See more ideas about fun science, science projects, alternative energy. And of course, music makes a nice compliment to any Girl Scout journey. That sounds like so much fun! We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. The Outdoor journey badges are separate Junior Girl Scout badges but they do overlap in multiple areas. The first two goals focus on earn the Junior Animal Habitats badge, the next two goals main focus is the Junior Camper badge and the final two goals are the focus of the Eco Camper badge. To find the perimeter of a leaf, simply lay a string around the outside edge all the way around the leaf. So it is especially important to help our Junior Girl Scouts to take steps to set up a campsite that is environmentally friendly. This journey asks the scouts to explain 6 main goals while they learn more about camping in the outdoors. 3) Juniors will connect their own strengths to the values in the Girl Scout Law. You could allow the girls to create their own ringtone to use with their Power of Team comic presentation or their Im Being Framed sharing. Your Juniors could create these stuffed animals and maybe even include it with other comfort items. Much needed in todays world. Spanish and English Family Names Easy Readers, Spanish and English School Supplies Easy Reader, Dual Language Early Kindergarten Beginning Letter Sound Bundle, Spanish and English Beginning Letter Sound Places in my School, Spanish and English Beginning Letter Sound Position Words, Girl Scout Junior Guide on the Agent of Change Junior Journey, Planning Cadette Girl Scout Year: Animal Helpers Cadette Badge, Planning Tiger Year: April Tiger Cub Scouts Meetings, Spanish April Activities for Kids from a Dual Language Family, Planning Junior Girl Scout Year: Junior Crane Design Challenge. The scouts will be able to determine how much uphill and downhill hiking they will do on this trail. As you enjoy a hike, look for natural clues of the changing weather. This can be a drawing or an actual piece of art you add to the campground or hiking trails with the proper permission. We find it most helpful to pair badges when we have a month or two to complete a journey. Ceremony a special way to celebrate an important event, experience, or feeling. Let each scout take pictures of the activities throughout the process. Your troop can decide how they want to celebrate their progress and completion of the journey. Allow your scouts time to research the endangered habitat to learn more about why it is in danger? However your scouts can pick any endangered area. Explore your surroundings by looking for examples of symmetry, including bilateral symmetry which means the two halves are the same on both sides. (30 min) Social Activity Outdoor-themed charades (15 min) Musical Statues (10 min) Taking Action! to bring "powerful" snacks to the session q q q q q q q My TAKE ACTION PROJECT . The scouts will take steps to help protect animal habitats. When the contour lines are further apart, the elevation is more flat. Explore Endangered Animals 20 minutes. 1 Map It: Investigate community needs and problem causes. 0000000796 00000 n Look at the key or legend to discover landmarks and the scale to determine the length of the hike. Learn a little about geocaching by talking with an expert or visiting an official geocacher site. <>stream Cooking 30 minutes. This might involve talking to other people, gathering more information, deciding what needs to be created. 1) Power of One Messages or Theme Days for School, 3) Meet New Friends Theme Days for Lunch or Recess at School, 4) Building Buddy Benches for the School or local park, 5) Week or Month of Announcement Statements to Help Others Discover their Powers, 7) Building Bat Houses to help with the endangered bats in the area, 8) Beautifying their School with a Rock Garden, 9) Creating a Community Garden at their School or Community, 10) Create an Outdoor Classroom or Lunch Space at their School. We like to bring along hydration packs with at least 2 liters of water per person, sunscreen and a hat for sun protection, a snack, the trail map, and a whistle at a minimum. Even though the Junior Outdoor Journey is a bit different than the other journeys available, the scouts will still explore a few key concepts and vocabulary on their way to earning the rewards. There are a few key steps to setting up a minimal impact campsite. Remember, a campsite is more than just your tent too! If you choose to make a geocache, you could create a special time capsule of Girl Scouts. The choice is really up to your troop and your time restraints. Mom is an educator and dad is a firefighter/paramedic. Spanish and English Family Names Easy Readers, Spanish and English School Supplies Easy Reader, Dual Language Early Kindergarten Beginning Letter Sound Bundle, Spanish and English Beginning Letter Sound Places in my School, Spanish and English Beginning Letter Sound Position Words. While planning for your camping trip, speak with an expert or tour your kitchen to learn about which tools you will need to prepare your food and clean up. Buy Girl Scout Cookies As you are camping, have a plan to carry out everything that you bring in. (30 min) Take Action Award Ceremony and . The girls will begin to connect power, leadership and teamwork to the traits of the Girl Scout Law. Consensus all members of the group agree what to do together. Its important to note that a leader can be anyone, from any place in the world, at any age. This Power Log will help the girls to highlight their individual strengths and places throughout their day where they helped others or made a difference. Then prepare your meals while on the trip. Become a Girl Scout This is especially important when they are working on the Take Action Project for the reflection and celebration. En la tarde de hoy, recibimos nuevas imgenes y videos del aparatoso accidente en la autopista Duarte en la entrada de Falconbridge Dominciana "FALCONDO" provincia Monseor Nouel. Shortcuts through the land can trample plants and flowers destroying local habitats for animals. Then measure the length of the string. Make smores or another special treat, tell stories or sing songs around your campfire with your scouts. Use page 13 in the Girls Agent of Change handbook. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This post may contain affiliate links. Simply ask some of the women you know who were Girl Scouts to share their favorite traditions to enjoy during your campfire. The Junior Outdoor Journey pairs nicely with a few Girl Scout Junior badges. While Girl Scout journeys are pretty open, they usually include ceremonies or celebrations throughout the journey. Choose the Right Path find durable surfaces for camping and stay on established hiking trails. Depending on what your girls want to try on their trip, you can add in a few additional badges when planning. Leave What You Find leave all plants, rocks, animals, and historical items as you found them. %%EOF 0000000016 00000 n Use page 23 of the Girls Agent of Change handbook for a template or example. Here at Creatingbutterflies we provide families with practical solutions to real life problems for everything parenting, scouting, dual language, and enjoying time outdoors. Check out the Junior Girl Scout aMUSE Journey and Outdoor Junior Girl Scout Journey for more ideas. 0000004815 00000 n Explore badges, activities, and more. Each Take Action Project involves the outdoors or educating people about outdoors. As always, keep your fire small, only big enough to complete your goals, and be sure that the fire is completely out before sleeping or leaving your campsite. Sometimes these badges are easier to pair than other times. Friday Night: Set up Your Campsite and create first aid kits, Saturday Morning prepare breakfast, learn about leave no trace and local wildlife habitats before your hike, Saturday Morning Go on a conservation hike, explore animal habitats, and clean up along your way. Great blog. 0000006663 00000 n Trail mix can make an amazing conservation hike snack. Depending on your available funds or parents willingness to pay for materials, your troop can decide the best way to use their funds. To complete this journey, Juniors should: Earn Animal Habitats badge Earn Camper badge Earn Eco Camper badge. This badge asks the girls to start moving. Keep It Girl-Led: These examples are intended to give a sense of what a Take Action project could look like. During hikes and other active activities, they will want 2 cups per hour. Work with your troop to plan your camping adventure. Use shadows to help estimate the height of tall objects in nature. During your campfire be sure to share girl scout songs, a story about Juliette Gordon Low the founder of Girl Scouts, and share special Girl Scout traditions from the past. In this Journey, you will: Deepen your outdoor skills when you earn your Animal Habitat, Camper, and Eco Camper badges. Be sure to provide some time for sharing, you can schedule that now or at the ceremony to present the award. Community service projects are acts of kindness and important ways to help something or someone right now. Kindling about the diameter of your thumb and the second material to catch fire when building a campfire. As your troop arrives for the camping trip, provide the girls a checklist for setting up camp using the minimal impact camping tips found on page 5 of the Eco Camper packet. Provide time to share comics. The Outdoor Junior Journey specifically focuses on combining learning the skills necessary for camping in the outdoors, especially camping in a way that is environmentally friendly. Learn about the outdoors and explore all the wonders nature has to . Work with your camping location to strategical place garbage cans and recycling bins to encourage others to use them when they have trash. By clicking "Accept," you consent to the use of ALL cookies. Teach your girls to stay on the marked trails to protect the plants in the area. This is different than threatened animals and plants which are likely to become endangered within the foreseeable future. trailer Mobilize to motivate a group of people to take action together towards a common goal. Make a pamphlet to educate others on the wildlife, where to see them, and how to keep themselves and the wildlife safe. Take Action Project Ideas. Troop Leaders: The instructions for all badge steps are available free of charge in theGirl Scout Volunteer Toolkit. We are a family of 6 with 4 wonderful becoming bilingual children who loves scouting, camping, and hiking with their family. Then time how long it takes to walk the distance. Then we share the girls handbook throughout the meeting. It also extends to the Cadette Journey aMaze, the Seniors Journey GIRLtopia, and the Ambassadors Journey Your Voice, Your World. Pairs nicely with Junior Simple Meals Badge. They will need to measure their own height, the length of their shadow, and the length of the objects shadow to determine the height. Pairs well with Junior Geocacher Badge, Junior Outdoor Art Explorer Badge, Junior Digital Photographer Badge, Junior Girl Scout Way Badge and Junior Space Science Investigator Badge. This can pair well with the Power of One as we keep our Power Log throughout the day or even the blind obstacle course because they girls may feel stress about being blind folded. Now you can focus on making the world a better place through your Take Action project, Bronze Award, Silver Award, or Gold Award. However, you could try using MITs Scratch or Carnegie Mellons Alice to create the Power of Team comics as a video game. This will also cover the final step to share your photos, since you will be sharing them at the celebration! Your email address will not be published. Next the scouts learn to use a GPS receiver by either locating or hiding objects using GPS coordinates. And if you are looking for more Girl Scout leader tips, be sure to subscribe to our newsletter below. 0000005365 00000 n Then look at your pinky finger and the horizon. Write down Power, Moxie, and Leader on three different large sheets of paper. What worked well for you? This could include benches for taking a rest, an archery range for scouts working on their archery badges, a community garden to teach more about flowers, seeds, and plants for those badges. This year, your Juniors will discover new passions, level up their skills, and maybe even make their mark in their community by starting their Girl Scout Bronze Award! Use page 34 in the Girls Agent of Change handbook for a starting point. I am glad we have programs like to help prepare the leaders of tomorrow. Usually by . If you will be camping in the snow or a place where the girl scouts can climb, you can plan for the Junior Snow or Climbing Adventure Badge. You could provide each scout the Power Log to complete prior to the meeting. Baby Animal Habitats 10 minutes. Pairs well with Junior Geocacher Badge, Junior Outdoor Art Explorer Badge, Junior Digital Photographer Badge, Junior Girl Scout Way Badge and Junior Space Science Investigator Badge. Bonus: Can you imagine a goal you might set and how you might lead a team? Take Action project ideas for the Engineering: Think Like an Engineer Journey. Thank you x. So we have usually opted for certificates to show the progress after each step and presentation of badges at the end of the journey. White Sands National Park with Kids: Experience Your Next Breathtaking Family Adventure, The IEP Process for Parents and Parental Rights Simplified. The scouts will decide on an issue in their community that they care about changing and will help their community. Cooking 30 minutes. to find out how much you really know about Take Action projects, and start thinking of ways you can make the world a better place. Below we include our Junior Girl Scout Agenda for the Outdoor Journey in a Day. As we worked through the journey awards, we often did circle back to previous skills to reinforce our learning. We found that Im being framed was a great place to ask the girls to turn their representation into a poem, while sharing who they are. This can include playing with a sibling, helping with a chore at home, making sure they were ready for the day, doing something they didnt want to but someone else wanted them to, etc. 0000007372 00000 n Planning Cadette Girl Scout Year: Animal Helpers Cadette Badge, Planning Tiger Year: April Tiger Cub Scouts Meetings, Spanish April Activities for Kids from a Dual Language Family, Planning Junior Girl Scout Year: Junior Crane Design Challenge. Some plants and flowers have circular symmetry. Take Action Quiz. This includes all your trash and food scraps. Leaders also are courageous enough to want to bring about change and determined enough to make it happen. Observe from a distance and try to keep noises down so as not to scare away the animals who live here. Make a no-trash meal either using one pot or cooking on a stick to meet both the Eco Camper and Camper badge requirements. Remember to prepare a snack for your conservation hike and plan to make a no-trash meal. Sign-up to receive our newsletter packed full of tips, tools and freebies with practical solutions for the whole family! Examples include collecting food for an existing food pantry, providing clothing or toiletries to people who have suffered during a disaster, cleaning up a rundown playground, or picking up trash at a park, forest, or beach. Then provide each girl or team of girls a blank paper, or use our comic book template, to create their own supergirl comic-book story, script, or visual story to show taking action in their community. It could also pair with the blind obstacle course. A fractal is simply a never ending pattern. As you hike make notes about plants and animals that you see as well as any problems with the area, including trash, abandoned campsites, other hikers, signs of erosion, etc. Activity Zone These help to contain the fire and keep your scouts safe too. Create a butterfly garden to beautify the campgrounds and provide a safe space for butterflies to rest during their migration. While your scouts explore the Agent of Change Junior Girl Scout Journey, there are a few key concepts and vocabulary that can be beneficial to explore. Both of these activities will allow the girls to see the traits in the Girl Scout Law used in a variety of ways. Be sure to add information about using the garden and caring for the herbs. Create nature inspired art using circular symmetry. What better way than to include photos in the celebration. Deciding on a Take Action Project can be tricky for the girl scouts. Remember, a Take Action Project is more than community service. Then allow them time to create their trading card. Become a Volunteer. For each width of your hand you can place under your pinky finger is about 1 hour left before the sun sets, each finger width below your pinky finger is about 15 minutes until the sun sets. create your own big mouth character game, klondike: quest for gold where are they now, athenaeum caltech wedding cost,
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